Administrative Leadership Organizational Structure

罗彻斯特社区与技术学院是美国十大赌博正规平台在线协会的成员之一 Minnesota State system. The Board of Trustees 管理全州范围内的社区和技术学院及州立大学系统.

正规赌博十大网站’s President reports to the Minnesota State Chancellor. The President’s Office is the focal point for plans, policies, and operational decisions crucial to institutional progress; and to fulfill the responsibilities of administration, 总统内阁由负责学院具体职能的人员组成.

President’s Cabinet

The President’s Cabinet is a decision-making group, established to set priorities, establish goals and budgets, 并就对学院至关重要的事务向校长提出建议. (单击标题可查看每个区域的组织结构图.)

Jeffery S. Boyd, Ed.D •

The President 是书院的行政长官,直接执行或委托执行, 所有与学院运作有关的行政及行政职责.



Vice President of Academic Affairs (Chief Academic Affairs Officer)
Michelle Pyfferoen, M.B.A •

The Vice President of Academic Affairs 是负责发展/协调学院教学计划和监督学院认证的首席学术官吗. 教务长向教务处副院长汇报工作.



Teresa Brown, Ph.D. •

The Vice President of Student Affairs 是总学生事务主任,负责学院的学生服务范畴(例如.e., admissions, advising, financial aid, and student life), working in close collaboration with academic affairs, 该职位负责开发连接学术和学生事务项目的机会.


Vice President of Finance and Facilities (Chief Finance Officer)
Kelly Pyfferoen, M.B.A •

The Vice President of Finance and Facilities 首席财务官是否负责学院的商业事务, auxiliary enterprises, safety, security and facilities.



人力资源和公平部副总裁(首席人力资源) & Diversity Officer)
The Vice President of Human Resources and Equity 首席人力资源官是否负责员工关系和劳动协议. 该职位是学院的平权行动官员, Diversity Officer, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator.


Chief Information Officer
Mirwais Qader, E.M.B.A. • CF213 • 507-281-7787 • 

The Chief Information Officer 负责所有信息技术(包括网络安全)的技术战略领导和执行管理, technology risk management, administrative and academic computing, and media related technology.


Nate Stoltman, M.A. • EA133 • 507-536-5604 •

The 传播、营销和对外关系执行董事 is responsible for leading the College’s marketing, advertising, public/media/community relations and communication programs, 并协助确定目标和策略,以进一步推动学院的使命.


President’s Office

Executive Assistant to the President
Megan Tate • SS203 • 507-285-7216 •

The Executive Assistant 支持总统,并根据总统的期望为内阁提供指导.  该职位是总统办公室的联络点,是总统与各选区团体之间的联络人/主要沟通纽带.


除了总统的内阁和总统办公室, 院长和副院长协助院长制定学院的战略方向. (点击下面的标题,查看其余领域的组织结构图.)

Dean of Liberal Arts and General Education
Brenda Frame, Ed.D. • M2401 • 507-280-2814 •



Dean of Sciences and Health Professions
Jason Jadin, M.S. • HS107 •




Matt Durand职业、技术、商业和劳动力教育学院临时院长/基金会主任
Matt Durand, M.Ed. •  H1004 • 507-280-3152 •



学术运作和机构效率副总裁Dr. Alissa Oelfke
Alissa Oelfke, Ph.D. • SS306 • 507-285-7245 •



Dean of Student Success
Larry Frazier • SS139 • 507-280-5504 •



正规赌博十大网站 Associate Dean of Nursing, Annette CaflischAssociate Dean of Nursing
Annette Caflisch, M.S.N., Ed.D., R.N. • HS105 • 507-285-7143 •



Associate Dean of Liberal Arts


Associate Dean of Career and Technical Education
(Vacant) H1005 • 507-529-2720


2024-25 Committees


共享治理被认为是正规赌博十大网站运作中重要且必要的一部分. 以下是通过协商合同或政策来建立的,以确保共享治理.

AFSCME Labor/Management: Per Article 31, Section 3 of the AFSCME Agreement, 为改善学院与当地工会之间的沟通,应在当地成立劳工/管理委员会, 并充当讨论共同关心的问题的论坛.

MAPE Meet and Confer: Per Article 32 of the MAPE Agreement, 此外,学院亦成立了一个本地会面及颁授委员会,以加强学院与本地MAPE联盟之间的沟通,并就双方共同关注的问题提供论坛.

MSCF Academic Affairs and Standards Council (AASC): Per Article 8, Section 2 MSCF Master Agreement, AASC的目的是提供一个论坛,让管理人员和教师就学术事务和学术标准提出所有建议.  理事会的目的是为校长指定的人(学术事务执行副校长)提供所有学术事务方面的指导, including course outlines, award requirements, academic standards, 课程和项目组成部分以及课程和项目提供的清单. In addition, 谘询委员会辖下现设有一个在本地成立的学术标准小组委员会,负责聆讯个别的学术上诉,并就个别的学术上诉采取行动,以及就重复的学术上诉制订政策建议.

MSCF Faculty Shared Governance Council (FSGC): Per Article 8, Section 1 MSCF Master Agreement, FSGC与主席和副主席举行会议,就以下主题领域向主席提出建议, Student Affairs, Facilities, Fiscal Matters and General Matters.  理事会有充分的权力在这些会议上提出教员的意见. In addition, a locally established Faculty Evaluation subcommittee currently exists under FSGC with a charge of reviewing and forwarding recommended changes for the faculty evaluation process and forms; Faculty Development is charged with identifying and assisting in planning faculty development opportunities, FIDG负责审查FIDG申请,并确定教员提案的资助奖励.

Campus Safety: Per Article 11, Section 2 of the AFSCME Agreement and Article 22, Section 4 of the MAPE Agreement, 学校成立了安全委员会,负责在校园内进行安全/健康检查, 并就学生安全的各个方面提出建议, staff and visitors to the campus.

Senate/Cabinet: 学生参议院执行委员会与总统内阁和学生生活主任会面,作为学生参议院分享校园运营投入的机会, curriculum, student life, general matters, and other issues of mutual concern through a forum process. In addition, 其他学生委员会由学生会成立,为学生生活相关问题提供意见.

Student Conduct Board: 审查证据和证人证词,以确定是否发生违反学生行为, 并决定任何适用的制裁(s),如果违反学生行为政策.

2024-25 Strategic Committees


  • Student Success: 领导和实施学院的战略目标:学生的成功
    • Assessment of Student Learning (ASL): Subcommittee of SEMC, ,负责落实《十大赌博正规平台在线》所载的各项措施.
  • Institutional Effectiveness: 领导和实施学院的战略目标:机构的可持续性.
  • Equity and Inclusion: 领导和实施学院的战略目标:多元化,公平和包容.
  • Community Impact: 通过与社区和商业伙伴的多样化合作,扩大学院的影响力,以提高经济影响和职业准备. 

Operational Teams

学院的每个分部都成立团队来完成特定的业务职能. 这些团队可能是跨职能的,也可能不是,这取决于他们的职责.


  • Developmental Education: 负责协调正规赌博十大网站的发展教育战略和举措 system office, with a current focus 在数学途径和发展一个必要的英语模式.
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB): 负责对涉及人类受试者的拟议研究进行伦理审查 monitoring continuing research. Such research requests must be submitted 经教务处副校长批准后实施.
  • Online Education: 监督在线教育战略计划的实施, Workplace, 持续提高在线教育和学术技术的质量, 并向学院领导层提供最新情况和建议.


  • Commencement Planning: Plans the Spring Semester 毕业典礼,包括推荐演讲者和协调活动.
  • Strategic Enrollment Action Team (S.E.A.T.)负责发展活动,以促进我们的招生工作,并制定战略,以最大限度地利用市场调查的学生招募和保留.  我们的首要目标是提高学生的入学率和保留率.  可以成立子团队来评估和制定具体的战略活动. 这项工作将与其他业务小组共同完成, strategic committees, and other committees.
  • Student Success Day: Plans the Fall Semester Student Success Day activities


  • Campus Safety: In compliance with some bargaining agreements, 主要责任是全面和全面地解决校园内的员工安全问题,并确保所有校园员工都有代表倡导他们的校园安全.  成员必须征求员工对安全问题的关注,并在会议上提出,并支持促进安全的项目的绩效和实施.  The team will conduct inspections of worksites at least annually; review campus training records to ensure compliance; make recommendations on to the campus administration; and address environmental health and safety issues. 


  • Information Technology Council:该团队定义有效的和全校范围的IT操作政策, standards, procedures and guidelines.  它为项目和运营工作定义了平衡的资源管理方法. 对重点技术项目申请进行评估,并提出投资建议. 
  • NextGen Local Transition Management Team: Due to the size and scope of Minnesota State, NextGen项目将邀请每个机构参与复杂的活动和沟通. 由跨职能领导/主题专家组成的本地团队在将每个机构与NextGen联系起来方面发挥着关键作用.

Special Committees

  • Bias Incident Response Team: This Team is mandated by Minnesota State and is responsible for responding to bias incidents by providing support, resources, and referrals to those harmed, and by updating and providing development opportunities to the campus community as warranted.
  • 正规赌博十大网站 Foundation Board of Directors: 正规赌博十大网站基金会是一个独立的董事会 exists to influence the quality of student programs at 正规赌博十大网站Through active, ongoing campaigns to promote philanthropy in the community, the Foundation aims to grow a diverse amount 足够的资源为所有学生提供负担得起的教育, add value and excellence to the programs offered at 正规赌博十大网站, 并通过填补国家资金缺口,帮助该机构免受未来经济和政治力量的影响.
  • Student Conduct Panel: This panel is established under 正规赌博十大网站 Policy 3.6 (Procedure 3.6.1 Student Conduct and is charged with reviewing evidence & witness testimony to determine whether a violation of Student Conduct occurred and determines 如果违反学生行为政策,任何适用的制裁.
  • CARE Team: CARE团队的职责是为可能陷入困境的学生提供照顾和支持,并努力防止学生的破坏性行为或对大学社区构成威胁.
  • Fun Team: Fosters a pleasant, personable, and enjoyable environment.


各种学术项目咨询委员会也存在,为设计提供建议, development, implementation, evaluation, 职业发展路径中职业/技术计划的维护和修订.